Research & Writing for Attorneys & Journalists

Looking for help on your research or writing projects? Let’s talk.

Quick contact: ; Click here for Contact form: Contact Us for an Appointment

  • With several years of experience in the fields of journalism, academia, and the law, including National Environmental Policy Act compliance and other environmental law topics; criminal law, expungements, and post-conviction relief; family law and child welfare litigation; and First Amendment issues as a professor and a reporter; I can offer my research and writing skills to provide services to legal colleagues.

  • Past assignments have included motions for summary judgment, employment law discrimination research, eminent domain, environmental law, and family law, including child welfare law. I am interested in learning, researching, and writing on a variety of legal practice areas, whether you prefer a memo or a draft motion.

  • My rates for contract research and writing are competitive — lower than most attorneys’ hourly rates. 

  • If you’re looking to update your marketing materials, I can draft blog articles and attorney profiles.

  • Are you an author or journalist looking for help with research for an article, book, documentary, or podcast? Let’s talk about how I can help.

  • EMAIL: ; OR

  • Click here for Contact form: Contact Us for an Appointment

Contact me to schedule a conversation to see if we could be a good match for your current or future legal writing and research needs.